Monday, December 22, 2008

The Energy Two-For

President-elect Obama loves to focus on solving problems and getting 2 benefits for his actions. It is time to fix the energy problem in this country. The best time to do this is when oil prices are at their lows not when they are skyrocketing. Oil is at $42 and could go lower as global economies remain weak. Gasoline prices in the United States are finally under $2 again after almost reaching $5 this summer. These lower prices benefit consumers as they increase one's disposable income during the holiday season.

We believe it is important to limit the demand for oil until alternative energy sources can be developed. Oil prices will not stay low forever and are likely to hit the summer highs again in the not too distant future. It is time for Mr. Obama to propose a gas tax. This is the best way to get the two-for for his energy policies. The tax will help to limit demand and also provide a new source of revenue he can use to fund his alternative energy policies.

Government spending is out of control as all the initiatives to cure the financial crisis and stimulate the economy have left this country in poor financial shape. Income taxes are not in the cards for 2008 but a gas tax could alleviate some of the pain while driving some benefit to the United States in its road to becoming energy self-sufficient.

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